Friday, September 19, 2014

Conference moments

I had to share that last night I had my BEST conference last night.  The parents were so eager to see what they can do for their child.  It gave me a new energy to realize the partnership we have created in a small 15 min. time frame.
One of my first appointments really touched me.  I went over the usual successes and areas of concern.  We discussed ways to help the child when something amazing happened.  As this couple were talking about their dear child the mother started to cry.  She was speaking very fast in spanish so I had a hard time translating.  The father translated and said that her daughter finally LOVES school.  She loves the class and all we do and most important she feels SUCCESSFUL in my class.  The mother hugged me and I have to say I got a little teary eyed.  That was the best complement I ever received as a teacher.  Knowing that I not only made an impact on the child but also the family.  Now I can't wait for the next round of conferences!